Our Missionaries
Rev. Phil Godbey, Red Bird, KY
Rev. Carlos Reyes-Rodriguez
Our Pastors
Rev. LaTrelle Easterling, Bishop
Rev. Elmer Davis
Rev. Eric Warner
Rev. LaTrelle Easterling, Bishop
Rev. Elmer Davis
Rev. Eric Warner
Our Nation
President Biden & All Leaders
Those serving in the military:
Joe DeHaven
Mick Detweiler
Capt. Tim Johnson
Elizabeth Juergens
Jacob Keyes (Son-in-law of Bart & Andrea Funke)
Andrew Kosinski
Garrett Mann
Dennis Marinelli (Mike Foster's son-in-law)
Joe Moore
Brandon Pearson
Jeremy Sanders
Zachary Schmook
Jeff Smith
Jacob Spencer
Jacob & Thomas Walmsley (Carolann Lewis’ grandsons)
William Henry Wright, Jr.
Matthew Yarrington (Wanda Jackson’s son-in-law)
Members and Friends
Rich Achuff
Steve Ahonen (Friend of the Tanner Family)
Vicky Balling (Friend of the Gochnauers)
Betty Bowling (Lea Gochnauer's sister)
Rev. Karen Bunnell
Randy Cebula
Sue Cerbins (Niece of Peg Marking)
Mildred Chinski
Ella Coleman
Lee Collins
Joan Conway (11/3) (Murray Thompson's sister)
Betty Craley
Irene Dunlap
Ron & Nancy Fetterolf
Bebe Flynn (Faye Camors' sister-in-law)
Christopher Fritz
Deb Garvin (Andrea Funke's aunt)
Cecilia Gaultney
Wendy Gaultney (11/3)
Mary Lou Gilbert & Family
Ellen & Rich Gruebel (11/10)
Nancy Harlowe (Andrea Funke's aunt)
Anne Humphrey (11/3)
Sue Ivey (11/10)
Marshall Justice (Nephew of Lea Gochnauer)
Eric Kellar (Son of a friend of Betty Sprague's)
Diane Klusak (11/3)
Linda LaDue (Cousin of Rev. Karen Bunnell)
Denise Landgrebe (Sonia Dulin's granddaughter)
Richard Lane
Rev. George Leathrum
Roger & Jim Leathrum & Family
Norm Letiecq (11/17)
Lisa Marking (11/17) (Peg Marking's daughter)
Elaine Masser
Joanne Matthews (Friend of the Leathrums)
Alyse McKeown
Trinity McKeown
Kate McNeill (Friend of Diane Shortall)
Lois Meixell (Lynn Dech's mother)
Evan Milburn (Friend of the Leathrums)
Jimmy Moran (Rita Norman's brother)
Jane Murray (Friend of Rich Achuff, Sr.)
Bruce Nagy (Carol Nagy's husband)
Patrick Neagle (The Moffitts’ grandson)
Phil Norman
Ellie Owens (Friend of Ellen Gruebel)
Steve & Kathy Perry (Herb & Joan Perry's son & daughter-in-law)
Kim Pettit
Deborah Pitts (Friend of Diane Shortall)
Christine Presotto (Friend of Ellen Gruebel)
Carol Robinson (11/17)
Matt Ruiz (Faith Seltzer’s grandson)
Tom Runyon (Neta Runyon’s son)
Ray Rutter (Faith Seltzer’s son-in-law)
Mary Say (Friend of Linda Carey)
MaryAnn Schmidt (11/10)
Bob & Gini Selner
Jay Sexton
Robert Shumate (Ina Andrews’ brother-in-law)
Hunter Smith (Fran & Bill Vassalotti’s great-grandson)
Priya Stanley (Niece of Gary & Debbie Storke)
Gary Storke
John Sullivan (10/20)
Colleen Sutton
Joe Tanner
Barry Taylor (Dianne Thompson's brother)
Brett Thompson (Great-grandson of Herb & Joan Perry)
William Thompson (Murray Thompson's brother)
Mike VanDenHeuvel
Bill Vassalotti
Mike West (Bev Collins' brother-in-law)
Tom White (10/20)
Mickey Williams
Gale Willis (11/10)
Scott Wyerman (Sue Ivey’s brother)
Hunter Yates (Friend of the Gochnauers)
Carol Zervas
Abbey Manor
Karen Anderson
Calvert Manor
Jerry Gray (Betty & Frank Gray's son)
Andrew Moore (Terry White's brother)
Nadine Allen
Ware Presbyterian
Alice McCool
Extended to Mary Mackie following the passing of her friend, Bernard Cline
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